Community Access Planning

Why Community Access Planning ?

Like most people, you probably don’t think about community access planning very often. But if you’re a community member, whether a physical community or an online community, access planning is essential to keeping that community running smoothly. 

Our Community Access Planning Services

As an IHCS client, you have the option to add to our Community Nursing Care and Community Access Planning (CAP) Services. These services are especially beneficial if you or a loved one is living with a disability. Our CAP Services can help you find affordable and accessible housing in your community and connect you with the resources and support you need to live as independently as possible. If you are interested in learning more about our CAP Services, please get in touch with us today. We would be happy to answer any questions you may have and help you get started on the path to achieving your housing goals.

The IHCS offers community services to help communities track who has access to what and ensure everyone has the level of access they need to do their job. Whether you’re a community leader or a community member, the IHCS can help you with access planning. 

Why Choose Us?

The IHCS can assist you in determining if your community needs community access planning or not if you are unsure of what it is. We provide a range of services to benefit communities and are always delighted to respond to inquiries.





Melbourne, Australia